Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Photos and Strange Marketing: Mayor "Xerxes" Santini

Christmas Card

In what is a bold holiday statement, Hon. Jorge Santini, mayor of San Juan, included in his family photo an leopard killing a gazelle.  The Huffington Post accurately comments that this hunt scene is a little "creepy." The motives of Mayor Santini still elude the press and his constituents.  The Mayor says that the scene is not about destroying his political enemies, but promotes the local wildlife museum he founded in 2008.  The museum does have a diorama with a leopard carrying away a more manageable sized prey.  Despite the mayor's assurances that this card is not a political statement, the image of a lion killing its prey reaches back in history to Achaemenid empire and the city of Persepolis.  The imagery of the lion attacking the bull was engraved on the walls of the city and its coinage.  The full meaning of the conflict remains the subject of speculation, but the fight between the predator and the prey symbolize a cosmic struggle of power and submission.  Mayor Santini, are you the lion or the bull?
Lion & Bull from Persepolis
San Juan Wildlife Museum

1 comment:

  1. For more Awkward Family Christmas Photos, see
