Friday, April 29, 2011

What's worse? Owning a Yeti hand or Stealing a Yeti hand?

replica of YFB
At a distant time (1950s) and in a far away monastery perched precariously in the Himalayas, Peter Byrne discovered a secret stash of Yeti (abominable snowman) bones.  Because Byrne was on an expedition to root out the snowman, he decided to "borrow" one of the fingers as proof the the monster's existence.  Needing confirmation of the authenticity of the bone, Byrne raced to Calcutta to meet up with Jimmy Stewart, an expert in giant invisible rabbits (and, perhaps, snowmenpeople).  Gloria, Jimmy's wife, had a better idea.  "Let's hide this Yeti Finger Bone in my lingerie and smuggle it to England where researchers at Oxford can study it," she said, perhaps.  So they hid the YFB ("Yeti Finger Bone") in her lingerie and took it to England where an Oxford professor said, "I don't know what this nasty thing is, but it may be a YFB." To make up for the theft of a sacred artifact, a replica of the YFB and hand have been returned to the monastery.
Stewart and Harvey


  1. I forget to mention that they are also returning a replica of the Yeti skull cap.

  2. I sure am glad you got Jimmy Stewart into that post. Was wondering when that would happen. Btw, Harvey was a pooka, not a yeti. I don't think Yetis really exist like pookas do.
